Sunday, October 12, 2008

Oct 12

So this week was one of love and of hardened hearts becoming soft. I have experienced the fruit of unconditional love and trust.
I wrote last week about a boy holding my hand, well his name is Baquin. Baquin is 11 years old and about the size of an 8yr old. He has been very closed off, didn’t talk or even smile, for a long time I thought he hated me. Now he is one of the many that hangs out on my porch with me. He will take my arm and he put is around his shoulder while walk. His smile and laugh melts my heart. He has also shown a lot more compassion and love to the younger kids. To see his transformation in these past two weeks has been an answer to my prayers.
The Gowinns arrived last week are going to be living here for as long as they are needed. They are going to be taking over the school. Lindsay and I so excited to get some organization and changes, it’s going to benefit these kids so much. I am so glad the couples are to here, they are the parents these kids need so badly.
Africa is so beautiful!!! The weather is not as bad as I thought; it stays around 80 degrees in the day and drops down to about 70 at night. The wildlife here isn’t too crazy, well minus the kids I did see a big green snake, and I think I was a green mamba, they are around here. We do have lizards everywhere; we do get little geckoes in our house at night. ( Megan, I have friends here too) At night the toads come out and the kids are afraid them, the first time I caught one they all freaked out. They said that toads are poisonous and where afraid for me because I touched it. I had to tell them if I ate it then I could get sick, but it was ok to touch it. I don’t think they believe me because they are still very afraid. I use the frogs as pay back for when they chase me with the big beetles. It is so funny.  It is a very strange to know that is fall and getting cold there at home. Christmas is going to be weird; December is the start of the hot months here.
Please pray for Abdul, he has not returned, buy law we cant really do anything about it. He has lived at HH for six years, so now some of the other kids are missing him. I am concerned about what the other kids might be feeling about this and if they think this could happen to them too. To be honest, I worry about that too. I have to keep reminding myself that God in control and He watching over Abdul and all the kids here. Please keep all these kids in you payers.

God bless!!!!! Happy Fall 

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