Sunday, January 11, 2009

Dear Family and friends,
I am so sorry that I have not written lately.
So like I said in my last writing about not feeling like Christmas, well I was very wrong.
My Christmas here has been one of the most joyful days I have ever experienced. We lined up all 43 bags and called up each kid to receive their gift. Every time I would give a kids a gift I felt I would explode with joy and excitement. We also were able to buy skateboards CD players and movies for group gifts. We had a Christmas message and prayer from our pastor here. It is more blessed to give than to receive. I felt blessed with the true Christmas joy.

To all you Mothers and Fathers, I have such a new respect and honor for you. Being a surrogate parent to 45 kids will strip you of all pride and knowledge you think you may have. I have also found that I have went from trying to be “cool best friend” to the “you better listen to me or else authority figure”. Most of the time I feel like I have failed, but I know that God doesn’t judge my successions but my faithfulness, and only God knows what true success really is. Being faithful is not easy. Please keep pray for wisdom in how to deal with the kids and helping carry the hurt that so many of the kids carry alone.

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